Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rumors of Extubation

Colton is recovering nicely from the infection. In fact, he is doing so well that he is way down on his vent settings. Today when I went to visit, they were talking about starting him on Decadron to get him ready for extubation. Now we all know that things can swing the other direction in a matter of hours so I'll remain cautiously optimistic at this point. So we'll see how he's doing tomorrow and we might have an extubation in our near future!

Colton had a great weekend and got to meet his Great Uncle Milan and Aunt Kris who came out to visit from the east coast. Here is a picture of them meeting Colton for the first time. We love you guys and are so happy that you came to see Colton.
This weekend he gets to meet his Great Grandfather. What a neat week for Colton!

1 comment:

Bryant's mommy said...

Yay Colton! Keep up the good work buddy! We love you and can't wait to see you.