Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4 Months

My Dear Little Colton,

I was told when you left us that some times would be harder than others. I feel like time should be starting to heal my heart and that missing you shouldn't be so hard but it is. Its so hard to believe that today is four months since you went to heaven. I miss you every day. The grass has grown in completely where you lay and we have passed another holiday without you. Daddy and I made you an Easter basket and sat under your tree. It definately wasn't the first Easter we imagined we would have with you. I go and see other mommy's and daddy's who have lost their babies and we talk about you a lot. We hear from people that the NICU has your newspaper article framed and posted. You make me so proud my little man. It is because of you that we were able to do such good things and feel so much love. But selfishly, I wish you were here. I feel an ache that doesn't go away, a sadness that lingers. I know everything happened the way it was supposed to but it is hard to understand the "why". Life goes on, time will begin to heal. I know this, I just wish it would hurry up! I will write to you again on Mother's Day. Until someday my little love...

1 comment:

Bryant's mommy said...

I miss you too little buddy! It is hard to believe it has been 4 months. I think about you everyday sweet boy, I love you.

Aunt J