Friday, October 3, 2008

The Great Pee Pee Experiment is Over

Well, we knew the other shoe might drop and it did last night, kind of. The big pee pee experiment failed. They stopped the Lasix completely as of yesterday at 2pm and gave him extra Saline. Colton stopped peeing (surprise) and the extra fluid in his body went straight to his lungs. This caused his blood gasses to get really high. They tried bagging him to get the gasses down but ultimately had to put him back on the oscillating ventilator. We are hoping that this is a temporary measure until his blood gasses are back in normal range. They re-ordered the Lasix to make him start peeing. So, as the doctors say, we are chasing the kidneys. Its disheartening to take such big steps backwards but its what's best for Colton.

Start doing the pee pee dance again...

For our friend Donna, who's son Nicholas is in the hospital being treated for Leukemia, say some prayers also. He is getting some major news on his progress today. is a photo for you!


Christine Rawson said...

Hey Little Colton,
We loved you before we actually met you last week, and now there are no words to describe how precious you are to us. You have so many people praying to meet you, including one very anxious to be "big cousin" Rebecca. Stay strong, breathe deep and PEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Love, Aunt Chris, Uncle Andrew and Cousin Rebecca

Donna said...

Thanks for the pictures Amy! Colton looks so strong compared to his newborn pictures. I was so happy to see that. I am sorry that he is taking a step backwards. I know first hand how horrible that feels, but know that he has prayers going on everywhere all of the time, and that this too shall pass and he'll be back on track soon. Find some comfort in modern medical science that at least they can help him. I look forward to hearing good news from you soon. Love, Donna