Friday, October 17, 2008

No News is Good News

Just wanted to give a quick update on the little man. Not much to report this week. I (mommy) have come down with a bit of a cold so I've not been able to go in the last couple of days to see Colton. But from what Donny tells me and the nurses on the phone he is doing very well. They are still playing see saw with the ventilator where they wean a bit and he doesn't like it so they go back up. One of these days he'll allow it. They are still giving him a therapeutic dose of the Decadron for his lungs. We had a small bout with no pee pee yesterday but he has caught back up now. He's still eating, up to 21 cc's now. Had another eye exam and the results still show he has an immature eye (lol). Overall (or clinically as they say) Colton is doing well and really just feeding and growing this week with the big goal...getting him off the vent!

Can't wait to see many of you at the CHOC Walk this weekend. Thanks to all who are walking and thanks to all who supported us by sponsoring! It has been amazing to see your love and generosity.

1 comment:

gymako said...

Just wanted to say Happy 2months Colton!!! Keep on truckin!!

Sarah K.