Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Number One!

Rather uneventful night/day in the NICU for me. They aren't doing too much to me because they are trying get my lung secretions clear enough to give me the Neoprofin (the Ibuprofin I talked about in my last post). I am tolerating suction much better now too. The doctors took another picture of my heart today and decided that the valve/tube is opening more and they don't like that. So they suctioned me some more and are seeing enough improvement in my lung secretions that they are going to move on ahead with the Neoprofin. They are also going to give me some FFP (fresh frozen plasma) to boost my platelet count, which will help me be stronger when they give me the Neoprofin. All this should happen this afternoon and evening so hopefully we'll have some new news come morning!

Mommy took some new pictures this morning. Notice my lovely sleeping mask...actually that is to protect my eyes from the UV lights they have on me. See, I'm like daddy already....gettin a tan! And...the reason for the title of this post...I'm number one! Just had to tell you all that in case you didn't know.

Here's the link with the rest of today's photos.
Until next time...


Unknown said...

Colton buddy, you are a ROCK STAR!! I love your pictures... Hurry and grow some more, so we can go shopping!!

So Much Love,
Aunt Jenny

Anna Mae said...

You are number one!!! I love that your mommy and daddy are sharing your photos with us. When you get bigger you can get cooler shades for in the sunlight and maybe even a cute baseball hat. In the meantime keep showing us those buff abs and keep up those yoga moves so you can take on Monty with some upward dog moves.
Anna Mae

JenFryling said...

Colton.....bud... u are soooo cute!! Lovin the name dude. Can't wait to see you in person but the photo ops are definitely your thing..... maybe this is the start to a modeling career!

Love Cousin Jen, Kurt, Britt and Will