Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Moving Day #2

I'm officially taking the BIG ride today to BIG CHOC over in Orange. Overall I'm still doing well although things are slightly more complicated now.

All the tests showed that my PDA didn't close up, it did make a little progress but it isn't totally shut. Also the echocardiogram showed something new that they hadn't seen before. They saw another stream of blood flowing through my heart the wrong direction. Upon closer inspection they have diagnosed me with Ventricular Septal Defect. Basically, I have a hole in my heart in one of the ventrical chambers, allowing blood to flow the wrong way in my heart. This isn't anything they can fix right now because I'm too small for a "real" heart operation and sometimes it closes up with age. They will watch this and see how the PDA fix affects me.

So, right now I'm just waiting for the transport team to come and get me and take me for my ride. Mommy and daddy will come to the new hospital tonight and start learning the lay of the land. Not sure when my heart procedure will be, if it will be tomorrow or Thursday, all depends on how busy these new doctors are. We'll report in later tonight and let you all know that I made it safe up to Big CHOC.


Anna Mae said...

Dear Colton,
As I write this you are probably enroute to CHOC, and I pray you have a peaceful trip and that the entourage traveling with you keeps you happy. I pray that Mommy and Daddy get to see you soon and that everyone gets rest tonight before your big procedure. You are already well loved and thought of often.
Anna Mae

Lori Lorenz said...

I just figured out how to leave a comment! We are so glad you're here, and love hearing from you so often so we can track your progress. You are a strong, brave boy with courageous parents. (Your grandparents are pretty cool too!). The Lorenz family is praying for you as you push through your first few weeks of life. With love from your extended cul de sac family, Lori, Paul, David and Melissa Lorenz