Colton is still not feeling totally well so this is mommy reporting in again. Donny called the hospital late last night and we found out that he is making pee-pee again so that is good, but we are still left with the underlying question, why does he keep having kidney problems?
I went to the hospital today and the nurse told me he was running a low-grade fever...of course indicative of infection whice we have been assured time and again he doesn't have. I met with the doctor today and asked several questions. Here are the answers (or non-answers) we recieved:
1) We've now ruled out that the Captopril is the cause of kidney failure (note: renal failure in infants is totally different than in adults. Its not a permanent condition nor does it have to be fatal like in adults) since he is no longer on the meds. Why is he having failure again if we have no infection? I was told that now that they have ruled out infection that they are assuming that there is a mechanical reason that the kidneys are not getting blood (blood is what makes the kidneys work). What can the mechanical reasons be? Well that is the mystery they are trying to determine. A mention of the VSD was made as a possibility and they have ordered another eco-cardiogram to investigate further.
2) I also asked about the extebation and what they were thinking in terms of taking him off the ventilator again. They will try once the kidney issue is stabilized. They are going to be a bit more cautious this time because they don't want to have to put him back on the vent again if he fails.
3) I also asked about feeding. They will start feeding him again once the course of antibiotics are finished which should be in four days.
That's about all I have to report, we don't really know much more than we did yesterday but he is making more pee-pee now because of the medicine he is receiving but the mystery as to WHY this is happening is still there. Up to the docs to solve it!
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