Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Still Onward and Upward

Not much new to report (thank goodness). Colton continues to do better and better. His urine output is more normal now and he is back down on the ventilator settings almost to where he was before. The doctors and nurses haven't completely come out and said it but seems like the culprit was most likely the Captopril. They will do a final belly xray tomorrow and keep him on the antibiotics for another few days just to be safe. For now we are just relieved that the immediate crisis seems to be over. Colton will hopefully feel well enough tomorrow to resume his dictation duties to mommy for the blog!


gymako said...

That is awesome to hear things are on the up!! We are keeping you all in our thoughts daily :-)

The Koclanis Family

Alice and Bobby said...

Whew! You had us very concerned. We ae happy that you are doing better. Keep up the good work. We read your blog every night before we go to bed.