Sunday, September 21, 2008

Good Things Today

Mommy has lots to update today. We think (hope) Colton will be feeling well enough in the next few days to resume his posting duties. He has continued to do well on the regular ventillator and is down to breathing room air most of the time. He has been weaned completely off of all his blood pressure (to keep it up) medication and is down to getting the dieuretic medicine every 6 hours. I have a feeling they will decrease it again today.

Because he is off of his blood pressure meds we were able to kangaroo with him today. I held him for 2 hours and he did great, not one spell. It was so nice to hold him, it has felt like forever since we were able to. Hopefully Daddy will get to kangaroo him tomorrow.

They also put a feeding tube back in him and will begin the very very slow process of seeing if his belly will tolerate food. They will give him a minute drip of breastmilk tomorrow and see how he reacts. These are all such good things and we are just holding our breath to see if he holds steady. Go Colton!

Sponsor Amy on the CHOC Walk at, select "Sponsor a registered walker, and type in amyc1225.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Daddy is so proud of you!

I love you!