Monday, September 1, 2008

Backwards Day

Mommy and daddy came to visit today and I had to give them a not so good report. Overnight my urine output drastically decreased which makes the nurses worry. They put a catheter in me this morning to try and get a urine sample but nothing is coming out. They are checking for infection and some other things and have done a blood screen and a renal ultrasound. They have stopped feeding me until they can figure out what is going on because I'm not digesting my food either.

My last chest x-ray also shows that my lungs are still very wet so they have started me back on Lasix (a diuretic for my lungs) and Captopril (helps my heart have to work less to pump blood). They think this is the VSD causing all of the lung problems.

So, mommy and daddy were not allowed to hold me today either, which made all of us kind of sad but it is for the best right now. Mommy will call into the hospital later tonight and see if any of the test results are back in.

On a happy note, I pooped (for real) since I've started eating and I now weigh 2 lbs. 2 oz. New pictures for today....we got a lot with my eyes wide open!

1 comment:

Anna Mae said...

Today you reminded me how much we take something like breathing for granted and even though its labor day we don't want you to labor so hard. My prayers for you tonight are for an easy night for your heart and lungs and a good renal and blood report. I know your mommy and daddy miss holding you. You look so adorable with your eyes open, but close them now and have sweet dreams.
Love and kisses little one.
Anna Mae